Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Loaves and sodium benzoate, MSG and sorbitan?

It’s that time again!

My daughter’s school is having the yearly "gumbo dinner" fund raiser.

During this spicy soupy evening, we also include all the delectable desserts you could want all neatly wrapped and colorfully packaged over at the "BAKE SALE" table!

Mmmm, can’t you just taste all the homemade pies and cakes?

Brownies and cookies and fresh baked bread!

All lovingly created by the hands of the PTA moms and dads.

What a TREAT to get real fresh home baked goodness for a change.

But Lo!
What is this?

Little Debbie snack cakes?
A Tres Leche from the local bakery?
Oh my God...are those cookies from STARBUCKS?!?!?!

What tha???

Yes my friends, it is now forbidden to have HOMEMADE food.

"Health regulations" you know.

The powers that be have laid their mighty fists down on the Bake Sale table and demanded
store bought items only.

Now, let me get this straight....

In the school cafeteria, out kids are given/offered sodas, pizza,
cookies, chips, donuts and ice cream.

They are SUPPLIED with government cheese and meat from abused and sick cows...
...whatever surplus foodstuffs the USDA has on hand that week.

Yet, when the parents of these kids attempt to offer up food made with real,
non-precessed ingredients, they are shut down cold for "health regulation" reasons.

I am appalled at the lack of quality we give the future of our world.

We cram these children full of cheap and easy food.
We are more concerned with the money coming out than the nutrition going in.

* I think the saddest part was the answering machine message left for me explaining this new "store bought only" policy.

The PTA mom stated "well it is at least so much easier this way"

I can’t help but think--
This woman most likely spends more time getting her nails done than she does cutting vegetables.

-I can smell my mom’s sourdough bread baking in the oven on a cool afternoon.
-I can taste the cool crisp carrot slices my great grandmother kept
in a glass of ice water on the table.
-I love the fact that my daughter would have a FIT if I were ever to have a store bought
birthday cake for her on her special day.

How are we able to yak about the state of our children’ health and not do even the simplest tasks to change it?

I don’t need a bake sale, I can go to Wal-Mart.


Unknown said...

yeah, no doubt this mom orders out EVERY night, huh? I'm with you on this one.... Most people fill their bodies with garbage, and that's disgusting to me, and should be to everyone. Why does everything think they're so damn fat and lazy, it's what they put in their bodies-hello!!!!.....screw the "bake sale" moms.

Unknown said...

That really sucks!!! Easier, of course, does NOT mean better!!! Maybe they will learn when they make NO money at this pre-fab baked goods "sale". Makes no sense whatsoever ...

Virtuous Vituperator said...

I think they did it because of allergies, celiac, and other medical conditions. A person baking at home doesn't always know what "gluten" is, or that a product is nut, corn or anything "free". Our district requires no homemade goodies as well and they say it's for the above mentioned reasons to protect the kids.

Apparently some nut allergic kids were fed nuts in the past year- by accident. Accident or no, it could have killed them and so, the rules have changed to protect a changing world.

reddrules said...

I understand the "may contain nuts"
deal Virtuous, we have been asked to LABEL in the past.
But really? only store bought? why? because there is NEVER EVER anything dangerous is STORE BOUGHT ITEMS...

I think I'd be willing to risk it...or if I had a HIGHLY allergic kid....I would not let them EAT it were there any question.

But to BAN it seems crazy to me.