Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Red White and Jet Blue.

I read today that a man sporting a t-shirt that read "We Will Not Be Silenced" in arabic script, won a lawsuit against Jet Blue Airlines in the amount of $240,000.00 because the airline forced him cover his t-shirt before being allowed on board.

It is racial profiling! The attorney's cried.
It is dicrimination! The Muslims cried.
It is harrassment! The liberals cried.

What about the rights of the business owner?
What of the rights of the OTHER 200 passengers?

Remember in Ye Olde Malt Shoppe where the sign read
"No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service"?

"We Reserve the Right to Refuse Service to Anyone"

Why if it is MY business can I NOT refuse to "work" for someone for whatever reason I choose?

As a lawyer, you can refuse to take a case if you don't like it.
As a nail tech, you can refuse to do a pedicure because you don't like the toes.
As a restaurant, you can refuse to serve a guy who smells like goat feet.
As a contractor, you can refuse to take on a construction job that is too much of a pain in the ass.

So WHY when you are putting several hundred people on your care, are you not allowed to put conditions on flying in YOUR PLANE?

YOUR PLANE, bottom line.
If it was MY airline, I should be able to say I don't want CHILDREN on my plane...or people who SNORE, or guys with TOO MUCH AFTERSHAVE.

As a business owner, I am here to please not only the masses, but MYSELF> otherwise, I would go work for someone ELSE.

If you don't like my rules...here is your refund for your ticket, enjoy your flight ON ANOTHER AIRLINE.
You do NOT have to choose JET BLUE.
talk bad about them, picket, scream and shout.
But at the end of the day, there are just as many people who would rather fly WITHOUT you and your redderick, than are feeling "your" pain.

So please Mr. Raed Jarrar, keep your t-shirts off any future flights I may be on...scratch that, I think I will just DRIVE.