Thursday, March 6, 2008

Our Lost Boys...souless by our hands.

There is a big flurry of horror going out right now involving some Marines who filmed themselves-
- while one Marine flung a sweet ,innocent puppy to its most certain death off a cliff in Iraq.

I watched the video.
It was, although not “graphic” in nature, truly horrifying.

I watched this poor puppy with its cute little puppy face be killed for what appeared to be nothing more than amusement.
...and I wondered how.

How could (at least) 3 men participate in the random killing of that poor little baby dog?


We send these young boys to a country where everyone hates them.

Where people are trying to kill them.

Where they do not get the chance to grow up like “normal” kids
~Going to the beach with their buddies, taking a date to the movies, sleeping in on a Saturday, watching the Superbowl.

We put them in a position like that.

We ask them, nee TRAIN them, to KILL people they do not know.

We ask them to NOT have a conscience.

We ask them to blindly obey orders to kill human beings.

We teach them that the life of anyone outside their worthless.

Then we are appalled when they abuse an animal?

This Marine is now under the attack of the people he has been trained to kill FOR....


But I CANNOT ask someone who has been condition to kill for ME,
-to kill only PEOPLE without care.

He has been taught that the life of the MAN across the sand from him,
the man with parents,
and friends—is expendable.

But we are shocked and outraged that he does not value the life of a dog.

My heart goes out...To that puppy yes, but also to the Marine we have conditioned to kill it.

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