Saturday, November 22, 2008

Have I become my grandfather?!?!

I don't consider myself a person who is prejudiced in any way (except against LAZY I suppose)-hmmm, maybe that explains it.

My ex husband just wrote that he is "embarrassed for" me.
He wants to know how I can be so racist.

Honestly, I don't have a problem with a BLACK president.

I have a problem with the fact that people voted for him simply because he was black.

*so please....tell me, AM I a racist? Will I now start using terms like "my black friends"?

Am I predjucided against people who take for granted this Country and its democracy until they think it will provide them with something?

Am I prejudiced against people who only think of themselves when faced with a large group issue?

Am I prejudiced against people who do the BARE MINIMUM yet expect the maximum return? yep.

But do I prejudice against anyone who thinks for themselves but who's opinions differ from mine?
I believe any THOUGHT OUT opinion is of value.

Do I prejudice against someone whose beliefs are different from mine?
As long as you HAVE something to believe in I think it is amazing.

Do I preudice against those who do not have as much as I have?
I volunteer, I donate, I teach my child charity and love in hopes that she can understand there are times when we all need a helping hand.

So tell me.

Am I racist?

Am I now that old man who plays chess and talks about "darkies", uses words like "spic" or thinks oriental women are all sex slaves.

I don't think so.

I think I am just frusterated and disappointed in the people who abuse this land I love.

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